1) Property info

Which property needs an inspection?

Property manager's contact information

2) Property details

How many stories is the building?

How many floors are zoned for residential?

How many floors are zoned for commercial?

Which system(s) are monitored by an alarm company?

If so, does the building have a Class E alarm system?

3) Sprinkler system

Which areas of the building are covered by sprinklers?

How many FD sprinkler connections are present?

How is the sprinkler system supplied?

Which type of sprinkler system do you have?

Where are the shut off valves location?

If located on each floor, where are they located specifically?

Is there a sprinkler booster installed?

4) Standpipe system

How many staircases have fire hose and valves present?

If none, does the property have a hose cabinet in the lobby?

How many FD standpipe connections are present?

How is the standpipe system supplied?

Which type of standpipe system do you have?

Is the building fully sprinkled and Class A?

Where are the upper shut off valves located?